E1: 20 Questions

Madison Adams

Question 1

Q: When is a normal time for you to go to sleep?

A: 2:00am

Question 2

Q: What is your favorite bird?

A: hummingbird

Question 3

Q: What was the best Halloween costume you’ve ever worn (if you usually celebrate it)?

A: barnacle boy from spongebob while one of my best friends was mermaid man

Question 4

Q: In one word, what superpower would you most like to have?

A: speed

Question 5

Q: What is your favorite cartoon?

A: Rick and Morty

Question 6

Q: What's an odd obsession you have?

A: playing with the rings I wear everyday

Question 7

Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: I'm not sure, I really love movies so this is a hard one for me

Question 8

Q: If you could recommend a single book to someone, what would it be?

A: 1984

Question 9

Q: what kind of pet do you have, if any?

A: wiener dog

Question 10

Q: Where is one place you would travel to if you had all the money in the world?

A: Greece

Question 11

Q:What is your dream vacation and why?

A: Greece again because I have always wanted to go there since my sister did when I was really young

Question 12

Q: How many languages do you speak?

A: one

Question 13

Q: what is the last show that you sat down and binged watched?

A: Stranger Things

Question 14

Q: have you ever worked with paint?

A: yes I have

Question 15

Q: Who is your role model?

A: my older sister

Question 16

Q: What kind of car do you drive, and does it have a name?

A: Hyundai Sonata

Question 17

Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

A: I would like to live in the Netherlands

Question 18

Q: What is your zodiac sign?

A: Scorpio

Question 19

Q: What is your favorite type of food?

A: ramen, specifically spicy shrimp

Question 20

Q: what was your go to snack when you were a kid?

A: animal crackers